Yes, the better your credit rating the more likely you are to get the lowest interest rates on your loan. For those with a bad credit profile, the higher interest rates reflect the increased risk on the part of the creditors in lending you money.
es, you should still be able to borrow money if you have a bad credit rating, but will likely be subject to higher interest rates. If you want to improve your credit rating, it is worth considering a bad credit loan or a credit card for bad credit it is important to obtain advice.
There are a variety of reasons why WE want to know the purpose of a loan. WE use loan purpose to assess the risk in offering you a loan and whether they’ll get paid back, to determine your interest rate and to make sure the purpose of your loan doesn’t go against their policies.
Life happens and sometimes you aren’t able to use a personal loan toward your original intent. If this occurs, you can use your loan for a different purpose as long as it doesn’t fall under your lender’s prohibited uses. If you’re unsure, contact your lender and ask about how you can use your loan should your plans change.
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